Install the xaringan package from Github:
You are recommended to use the RStudio IDE, but you do not have to.
::: {.incremental}
Create a new R Markdown document from the menu File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From Template -> Ninja Presentation
Click the Knit
button to compile it;
or use the RStudio Addin2 “Infinite Moon Reader” to live preview the slides (every time you update and save the Rmd document, the slides will be automatically reloaded in RStudio Viewer.
As a presentation ninja, you certainly should not be satisfied by the “Hello World” example. You need to understand more about two things:
The remark.js library;
The xaringan package;
Basically xaringan injected the chakra of R Markdown (minus Pandoc) into remark.js. The slides are rendered by remark.js in the web browser, and the Markdown source needed by remark.js is generated from R Markdown (knitr).
You can see an introduction of remark.js from its homepage. You should read the remark.js Wiki at least once to know how to
create a new slide (Markdown syntax1 and slide properties);
format a slide (e.g. text alignment);
configure the slideshow;
and use the presentation (keyboard shortcuts).
It is important to be familiar with remark.js before you can understand the options in xaringan.